Video master.
As a former TV news reporter and anchor turned corporate communicator and marketer, video has always been a passion. Here are a few of my favorites. Want to see more? Email me.
This is Pete.
His coworkers loved a Rackspace employee named Pete. With their own creative video, they nominated him to win the company’s top award. When he won, we made video that became the best performing social media video in Rackspace history. We had this online in less than 24 hours after the event where Pete won the award.
Concept, script, initial video shooting (return to work scene) and editing
New video conference system meets Star Wars.
How do you grab employees attention about a new videoconferencing system? How about having Darth Vader introduce it? With the help of some Rackers with some great costumes, the old video system had failed for the last time!
Concept, script, direction
Understanding Under Armour
A customer testimonial about one of our best know customers.
The first iPhone.
As part of the AT&T iPhone launch team in 2007, we had the great opportunity to document the first people buying the revolutionary device.
Concept, reporting, script, voiceover